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Damon Bell

    @ Sandra Waters.

    With the error you posted, you need to you need to select “Unified Plugin Installer Agent”. That is part of Creative Cloud, it will show as a separate program.  It is what is installs the CCX files.

    So if “Unified Plugin Installer Agent” is available then select that and it will install. That is suppose to be what happens when you double click the file.  If that option is missing then the Creative Cloud installation is corrupt. That happens sometimes and then Creative Cloud can’t install any CCX files… not just Pixnub.

    Right click on the CCX file and select Open With.  See if there is the option for “Unified Plugin Installer Agent.  If that is there then click on it and it will install. If it isn’t there then the only way I know to get that option back is to uninstall Creative Cloud and reinstall it.

    If you don’t want to do that then you can just install Pixnub manually. It is really simple. I created a manual installer.  See the instructions on this page. It is basically just unzipping an folder and moving it into place. However, you will need uninstall any old CCX versions or else Photoshop won’t use the new files that were manually installed and will use the old CCX install instead.

    Here is a link to the manual installers.

    Manual Plugin Installation