Support Links

Pre Sales Questions

If you have any product related questions then go here. Note that this form isn’t for tech support. For etch support, please use one of the other options listed below.

General Product Questions

Plugin Downloads / Updates

This link contains all of the latest plugin releaes. If you are experiencing any plugin issues then please update the plugin before submitting a ticket to see if the update fixes the issue.

Plugin Downloads

Tech Support - Platinum Subscribers

The tech support forum is the “Official” place to ask for any tech support.  Also, if you have any “how to” training type question and you want a response from Pixnub, then submit here. This forum requires a Platinum subscription to access.

Tech Support Forum

License Key Lookup

If you lost your license key then you can look it up online without needing to contact us. See how to find your key.

License Key Lookup Instructions

Clear Plugin Activations

You can see your plugin activations and clear them here.

Clear Plugin Activations

Facebook Group (not for company tech support)

The Pixnub facebook group is available for all users to join.  You can ask any questions in this group. However, it is not the official company tech support response page.  This is a great place to get community feedback if you want input from other users. Also, it is a good place to ask question after hours on nights or weekends if you don’t want to wait until normal business hours to get a response from Pixnub in the tech support forum.

Platinum Member Facebook Group

Featured Product


  • Individual Template
  • Team Template
  • Memory Mate Template - EZ Team Builder Style
  • Memory Mate Template - EZ Composites Style
  • EZ Composites Layout PSD Files
  • Dynamic Color Changing PS Actions
  • Drop Shadow Action
  • Sample CSV Data Files
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