Sports Photo Automation Change Log
- Fixed Issue – In prior releases, team only composites WON’T build if using the team setup layers. Building team only composites in prior versions required using an unintuitive workaround to use the player setup layers for the team image instead on using the team setup layers. In prior releases the team setup layers could only be used for memory mates where there was both a team image and a player image. This is now fixed. Team only composites will now work properly when using the team setup layers. Note: for any team only templates set up using the player set up layers as a work-around for the bug, those templates will still work. So you don’t need to modify any templates that were already created.
- Added Diagnostics mode to help troubleshoot issues when batching.
- Fixed Issue – Player layers can now be clipped to shapes. Note: DON’T use Photoshop actions to do this anymore. SPA will automatically clip the player to the shape layer if the setup layer was clipped to the shape layer. If you try to run an action to do this then the action will throw an error and say the command is not available because the action can’t clip a layer if it is already clipped.
- Fixed Issue – In prior releases, when resuming a batch that selects templates from a CSV file, it would use the wrong template when resumed.
- Updated the GPU check to be only a warning and allow the user to continue processing. This was needed because sometimes Photoshop will report the GPU as being OFF, even when it is actually ON. So for these cases, the user can still click through the warning and build the team.
- Fixed the issue where certain poses would cause faces to be detected in body parts that are not actually the face. For example, certain poses with the hands together in front of the body would be prone to this issue and the hands would be detected as a face. This was very pose specific. Certain poses caused more problems than others. However, when it happened, it could cause large scaling and misalignment issues. This is now fix for the vast majority of cases. However, certain false face issues can still occur. For example, a t-shirt with a printed face on it could be seen by the software as a “face”.
- Added GPU check to alert users if the GPU is off in the Photoshop preferences (the GPU is needed for face detection).
- Increase the pause time again from the 10.0.5/10.0.6 change because some Macs are still having the intermittent lock ups…. although most are not. Was able to fix the Pause on Finished Image step to prevent lockups without needing the pause. However, the pause on scale needs the pauses due to a Photoshop bug. If this latest time pause increase is not enough to fully prevent the issue then then plan is to remove the Pause To Scale checkbox and only have the Pause On Finished Image checkbox.
- Fixed PNG saving so it will embed the sRGB color profile (prior releases would save PNG as “Untagged” RGB instead of embedding the sRGB profile).
- Before saving, the characters /:*?”<>|# are removed from the filenames. These characters are not allowed for saving files in the Photoshop plugins API. If trying to save with these characters from the plugin API, Photoshop won’t save the file. Therefore, the only option is to remove those characters from the filename before saving.
- Increase the pause time from the 10.0.6 change because soem Macs are still having the intermittent lock ups.
- Added an intentional slight pause before Pause to scale and Pause on Finished image. There is a Mac bug where a pause is needed to prevent it from locking up. The Mac systems are tryin got run a line of code before the system is ready for it.
- Added compatibility for WEBP files for players, teams, and logos for custom placeholder images.
- Added compatibility for WEBP files for players, teams, and logos during batching.
- Updated SPA green man setup structure so the green man layer would allow layer styles to be added which will transfer to the player image.
- Fixed issue where -R and -RM layers were not converting to point text when using the Convert To Point text button.
- Fixed issue where some text layers were getting renamed when the text was replaced
- Fixed issue where some text was getting replaced in the wrong layers
- Fixed issue where some of the plyer setups were added as Untagged RGB instead of sRGB. This didn’t cause an issue when running because it would auto convert the Untagged sRGB to sRGB, but it created extra processing steps and wasn’t the correct smart object setup.
- New text auto resizing method (using -R or -RM in PSD text layer names)
- Data files can now be saved with comma, semicolon, colon, or tab delimeters
- Forces sRGB. It won’t run unless the template is sRGB. If cutouts are not sRGB it converts the cutouts to sRGB. This prevents color shifting due to mis-matching color profiles.
- New data file options for show/hide layers. This is used for dynamic templates with color changing layers or graphics changing layers