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    The only plugin that will ever have issues with meta data is SPA. The reason is because the final SPA files are composite images which are copies of the PSD TEMPLATE  file, not the cutout file. The cutout file is put into the template file. So the meta data of the composite is the template meta data initially, not the cutout meta data.

    SPA is programmed to copy all of the meta data from the cutout file and paste the meta data into the composite before saving. However, this doesn’t work for all metadata fields. With Got Photo in particular, you have the choice of using the comments field or copyright field. You MUST use the copyright field.  The comments field can’t be transferred from the cutout into the composite. Photoshop simply won’t transfer that field.  Also, the template file CAN’T have anything already saved in the copyright field. So check the PSD to make sure tat is empty.  If there is already an entry in the copyright field in the template file then photoshop won’t replace it.  When the cutout is put into the template file that already has info in the copyright field then the final composite image will have the copyright info that was stored in the PSD template.

    These are the limitation you have to work around when creating composite images. This has nothing to do with Pixnub itself. If you were to build the composites manually in Photoshop and copy/paste the images into the PASD template, the final images would not have the meta data from the cutout either. that’s just a bi-product of merging 2 images together.

    Anyway, just use the copyright field and make sure the PSD has nothing saved in that field to start with and it will work 🙂

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Pixnub.