Pixnub Home Page 2 Forums EZ Green Screen Batch stopping after first image Reply To: Batch stopping after first image


    Can you please provide more details?  Does it actually extract the first image and then stop before saving.  It sounds like that is what is happen. So assuming it extracts the image correctly before stopping…..

    Are there any special characters in the file names? The following characters can’t be used because they cause issues with the Adobe plugins API when trying to save images.  This is an Adobe restriction, not a Pixnub restriction.


    If that is not the issue. It seems that it may be having issues with save folder permissions or something along those lines.

    Are you trying to save to an external drive or a local drive?

    For trouble shooting, please create a new save folder on the desktop and try using that as the save folder. Let me know if that works.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Pixnub.