Pixnub Home Page 2 Forums EZ Green Screen Struggling with EZ Green Screen 7 quality output over EZGS 6…. Reply To: Struggling with EZ Green Screen 7 quality output over EZGS 6….


    They work the same in version 7 ands version 6. I had version 6 videos but I ccan’t find them.

    I did find the old version 5 video.  The version 5 layer called “Manual Spill Correction” shown in the video is the exact same as the “Paint – Color Blend” in versions 6 and 7.  The “Paint – Normal Blend” work the same except it is normal blend mode instead of color blend mode.  Usually you want to use the Color Blend mode layer.  Normal blend mode just paints a flat color so you can use it at 100% opacity. With color blend mode you can use at 100% opacity if you want.  However, Color blend mode won’t fix hair brightness fringing… only color fringing.

    Watch this video.  Then just use the same technique in version 7.