Pixnub Home Page 2 Forums EZ Green Screen Struggling with EZ Green Screen 7 quality output over EZGS 6…. Reply To: Struggling with EZ Green Screen 7 quality output over EZGS 6….


    What settings did you use on version 6? Was it single mask or dual mask?

    The Max Foreground retention and Max Shadow removal can make hair worse. What does the hair look like without using those settings. You shouldn’t need those unless something on the screen is not lit well and should be considered a last resort to use those to fix problems… but not hair related problems.

    With version 7, if you uncheck all settings, it should give you almost the exact saem results as version 6 single mask. With checking Auto Refine hair, it should give you similar results to version 6 dual mask with default settings. The other checkboxes for Max retention, max shadow, I don’t recommend. If you have to use those for any reason then you really should adjust you green screen setup so you don’t need those settings.