Pixnub Home Forums EZ Composites Add more than 32 slots for Polaroid composite ? Reply To: Add more than 32 slots for Polaroid composite ?

Alyssa Bell

    Sorry, I misread the question.

    For this one, you will need to manually create the additional layout pages in Photoshop. The plugins layout designer can be used to easily create layouts for the “standard” image slots.  However, for the image slots with custom graphics like this, those need done by hand.  Thee is no automation to auto set those up. When we build these in house, we also have to do a lot of PS work by hand too. It just is what it is for the custom graphics slots.

    So first, make a copy copy the layout page you want to edit…. so make a copy of the -032 page and rename it to -033.

    Then you will need to make copies of the polaroid slots. DO NOT use control+J (command+J on Mac) to duplicate them. Doing that will make the smart objects linked and when it replaces an image in one of them, both will have the same image.

    Select the entire group image slot folder (EZ-COMP-032) for example. Then use COPY/PASTE in Photoshop to make a new group (again, DON’T use control+J).  After making the new image slot copy, you will need to edit any all layers in the group folder, including the group folder to change the extension (-033 for example).  Then you can also edit the smart object to change the displayed slot text to match.

    Do that for every slot you want to make.  Then you will need to rearrange the slots where you want them, scale them, ect.

    When saving the new layout file, make sure the end of the file names end with EZCOMP-033, EZCOMP-034, etc so the plugin knows which layout file to use depending on the number of images.

    If you have any more question about this then let me know.