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    A bit of a pattern emerges when I look at the merged files in date order.

    The images for the “Abdikadir Osman” athlete has “BASKETBALL” in the teamname field. The next athlete, “Abigail Vivar”, has “DRILL” in teamname. The first set if merged images there end up with “WRESTLING” (the text in the template) where teamname should have been merged. The “Adrian DiazRodriguez” athlete also has “DRILL” in the teamname field, which is not merged and instead has “WRESTLING” text from the template. Looks like after finishing the “Adrian DiazRodriguez” images SPA circles back to merging the correct teamname field into the teamplate making it “DRILL” as it should be.

    However, the “Adrian DiazRodriguez” images with the correct “DRILL” teamname merged into the file aren’t done until 5 athletes (45 images) later.