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Damon Bell

    Issue 1 – Pause to Scale stopping….

    There is a bug in Photoshop for Mas OS that causes the pause on scale to stop on a some Macs (but not most).  So just to clarify, were you using “Pause to Scale” or “Pause on Finished Image”?  If Pause TO Scale isn’t working then try “Pause On Finished Image” and that should not have any issues.  Please let me know on this.

    I am thinking about removing the “Pause To Scale” feature and only having the “Pause on Finished Image” in 10.2 just because of this issue. The issue affects only a small percentage of Mac computers and doesn’t affect Windows. However, I don’t think I can fix it because the underlying issue is in Photoshop itself.

    In any case, the “Pause on Finished Image” should never have issues in 10.1.1. It will pause when each composite is complete and allow the user to do any edits in Photoshop, including scaling. It may not be quite as streamlines because it doesn’t start the scaling tool for you, but still basically does the same thing and shouldn’t have issues.

    Issue 2 – Team Only Templates

    Just to clarify, you are talking about Team Only templates, not memory mates correct?

    If so….

    For Team Only templates, you will need to use the Player setup layers, not the Team Setup layers. Use Players modes 9 or 10. Those run exactly like Team Modes 1 and 2.

    When batching, don’t use any of the SPA settings for “Teams” and if using a CSV don’t use the TeamFile columns.

    Just run the Team Only images exactly as if it were player only comps.  SPA won’t care that it is teams instead of player. It will just fit each image into the box for Player Modes 9 or 10.

    If using a CSV (optional), then put the team filenames in the first column (SPA column).

    Running this way is much simpler because you don’t need to enter in any of the team settings.

    Running memory mates is when you use the team settings. Theses settings allow SPA to match each Player individual image. With team only templates, It doesn’t need to match individual images to teams.  So that is why the team settings are only used for memory mates.

    SPA requires an image for “Player 1” for every composites. So for that reason, that is what you use for team only designs. In hindsight, maybe I should have called the image slots “Image 1”. “Image 2, “Image 3” instead of “Player”.  That would have been more accurate since you can use the slots for anything.

    Anyway, let me know if this makes sense….