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Damon Bell

    This is an Adobe limitation.

    Only 1 plugin from the Photoshop plugins menu can have control of photoshop at a time. So while the Hot Folder plugin is running, Photoshop blocks any other plugin from the Plugins menu from running. So any actions that have plugins recorded from the Plugins menu won’t be able to run those steps.

    If I had known about this restriction then I would not have made EZ Green Screen 8 action recordable at all.

    I reported this to Adobe but it seems like this is by design in the Photoshop side and not a bug.

    Action that run old style plugins from the Filter menu will from an action when running Hot Folder. The restriction only applies to plugins form the Plugins menu. Adobe implemented this to prevent plugin conflicts from 2 plugin in the plugins menu trying to access Photoshop at the same time.

    The bottom line is there is no way to make it work and nothing that I can do about it. I should probably update EZ green Screen and remove the action recording capability until Adobe changes the say PS works…. which I don’t think will happen though.