Pixnub Home Page 2 Forums Sports Photo Automation I’m stumped SPA is Not changing text but is changing the images Reply To: I’m stumped SPA is Not changing text but is changing the images

Damon Bell

    @ Michael Austin

    Your CSV is fine. The PSD is the issue.

    When trying to run, I can repeat the issue.

    In the PSD, something is corrupted with the text layers.  When I open the file it gives a message saying some text layers need updated. I do have the font installed so a missing font isn’t the issue. I press OK but something is still wrong as even after pressing the button to update the text layers, they are still invisible.

    If I then double click on the text and press the checkbox the text will then show.  Then after the text is visible, if I resave the PSD it then works.

    So try this. After saving the PSD, close and reopen it and make sure the text is not invisible. Then it should work.

    If that doesn’t work for you then you will need to delete the corrupted text layers and create new text layers from scratch. That would for sure fix it.