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    I just saw the image you sent me.  You need to use Y or YM when the scaling is vertically. Horizontal text rotated 90 degrees isstill being scaled vertically.

    X – Scales horizontal

    Y – Scales vertical

    A – Scales angled – Note: This will not add an angle to you text. Use this is you text is already at an angle. Sports Photo Automation will automatically determine the angle of the text so it can scale appropriately.

    XM – Scales the same as X except will only scale if the new text is longer than the text in the template. Shorter text is not scaled.

    YM – Scales the same as Y except will only scale if the new text is longer than the text in the template. Shorter text is not scaled.

    AM – Scales the same as A except will only scale if the new text is longer than the text in the template. Shorter text is not scaled.