Pixnub Home Page 2 Forums Installation, Activations, and Licensing How do I back out a plug install … and how do I keep my version from last nigh Reply To: How do I back out a plug install … and how do I keep my version from last nigh


    Since you are already on PS 23.5.1, I highly doubt that PS 23.5.2 poses any risk.  However, Adobe does allow rolling back to PS 23.5.1. Here is what I can offer. If you see any issues related to PS 23.5.2 then I will go and test all 4 of the new plugin releases to see if I can release them for 23.5.0 or higher.  I could have those tested and released later today if needed. So please test EZGS 7.0.1 in 23.5.2 and let me know if there are issues.  Then if there are, I will get on it for testing and releasing all 4 of the plugins for 23.5.0 an higher.