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    Are you asking about EZ Green Screen or SPA?

    EZ Green Screen will not remove meta data.

    However, with SPA, the meta data may or may not transfer from the cutout image into the new composite file.

    By default, if you copy and paste a cutout image into a template in Photoshop then the composite image will not have the meta data from the cutout. Photoshop won’t automatically replace the meta data in the template file with that of the cutout image that you paste into the template. So when you save the composite, you end up with the meta data of the template file…. or empty data if the template didn’t have any.

    With SPA, it is programmed to replace the meta data in the template file with the meta data from each cutout. So the composite image should have the meta data from the each cutout file. However, this only works if the template file has no meta data already stored in it. If the template file has meta data, the Photoshop can’t add the meta data from the cutouts. Also, I’ve heard of some systems not being able to replace the meta data in the template with the cutout image meta data. Not sure why certain systems can’t do this.