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    Yes it will.  Additionally, even if you sized the images to be the same, there could still be difference due to the sensor size differences. A crop sensor obviously changes the effective focal length. However, even 2 different model of full frame can vary some. One may have  a 36mm senor and the other have a 35.7mm sensor. So that will change the effective focal length a bit too.

    Also, even if you are using the same camera model, different lens models will be different too….. even if the focal length is rated the same. For example, 2 different 50mm lens models can vary quite a bit. One may be actually be 48 and another 52.  Plus some lenses have “focal breathing” so the focal length changes depending on the focal distance and some don’t.

    So if you shoot with 2 cameras then you need to use same camera make/model and same lens make/model. Also, I would only use prime lens when doing that instead of relying on zooming both lenses the same.