Pixnub Home Forums Installation, Activations, and Licensing EX Green Screen Plugin Disappeared from Plugins Menu Reply To: EX Green Screen Plugin Disappeared from Plugins Menu


    I have no idea. I’ve need seen that happen. When you uninstalled, did you do that from the Manage PLgins in the CC App? The redownload and reinstall using the CCSX? That should work.

    There could be something corrupted in the PS prefs file. I want you to try this.

    1. Uninstall the plugin.

    2. In Photoshop, go the the preferences and to the General Section. Select Reset Preferences on quit.

    3. Restart Photoshop.

    4. Finally, reinstall EZ Green Screen 7 using the CCX.

    After doing that, does it show up?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Pixnub.