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Peter Iseman

    I’m now remember the reason why I have Pixnub tools on 3 different versions of Pshop. Back in the spring I attempted to update using the CCX. Unfortunately when I try to launch the CCX for any of the 5 installs I keep getting the following message “Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognize this type of file.” I remember this being an issue for Adobe and you asked me to call in to them, which I did. But they gave no support for this. How should we address this now so that I can get the most up to date Pixnub on my system. Right now I’m running some of your stuff on Pshop 2020 and some on Pshop 2022 (23.4.2) and some on Pshop Beta. Why? I honestly can’t remember, I just know its been a series of workarounds. Need guidance to get back on the right path before busy season begins in 3 weeks. Lastly – I’m not seeing EZGreen 7 on your site as an old school download or CCX and not seeing it on the Adobe exchange. How do I get that installed so that I can get the UI to pop up.