Pixnub Home Forums Sports Photo Automation Using Mode 7 or 8 and ALSO resizing the photo to fit a face Reply To: Using Mode 7 or 8 and ALSO resizing the photo to fit a face


    Also, if the images are NOT CUTOUT, for modes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 you would need to use the the Select Subject edges checkbox in the batch settings. For non-cutouts, if you don’t check this then it will find the edge of the transparency which is the edge of the image for non cutouts. So it will think the feet are at the bottom of the frames since it isn’t cutout. With this checkbox on, it will run select subject in Photoshop to then find all id the player edges, including the feet location.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Pixnub.