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    Also, are you running SPA 9? If you are running SPA 7 or 8 then I suggest running SPA 9.

    With SPA 9 I have never seen this happen in batch. I have only seen it happen when using the Test Text Replacement popup. So if this is happening on SPA 9 in auto batch mode then I will need to look into it further next week to understand if something has changed.

    There is some history with this bug. I reported a similar bug to Adobe a few years back which they fixed in the old Photoshop API. Then it came back later in the new API. I reported it again to Adobe back in SPA 8 and Adobe fixed it again. Recently, a similar bug popped up which was a little different than the older bug and I’m still investigating. I think it is related to the same cause. However, I’ve never seen it happen in SPA 9 batch. Since it was only happening in the Test Text Replacement popup (and only when replacing text consecutive times), I didn’t think it was something that would ever be seen by a user in SPA 9 during batch.

    Anyway, pleas let me know if you are seeing it in SPA 9 batching. Then please try the template fix I mentioned and let me know if that fixes the batching.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Pixnub.