Yearbook Mode Crash Course

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  • Yearbook mode is for large scale uniform class composites, unlike batch mode which uses varying templates based on class size
  • Students will overflow onto the next page until the next group starts

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Creating a Yearbook Composite

1. Mugshot Portrait Folder

2. Composites Save Folder

3. Template Files

***Ensure to select the last folder! EZ Composite cannot read subfolders.

Required: YB-MAIN-001.PSD


If there is no YB-FIRST-EZCOMP-XXX.PSD file, then EZ Composites will use the YB-MAIN-XXX.PSD as the first page for every group.

YB-FIRST-EZCOMP-XXX.PSD is where the header text will be located, NOT in the EZCOMP-GRAPHICS.PSD file. Because if the EZCOMP-GRAPHICS.PSD has a header, it will go on every page which you don’t want for a yearbook.

4. Data sheet file ready with all necessary information

5. Choose how it will be grouped and composited

(The purpose of having two different group IDs is to give you the ability to composite in regular composite mode or yearbook mode while using the same data sheet file.)


None Selected

Note: In this example, FORCEORDER was used for the teachers so they would be placed before the students. Otherwise, all students of all grades are combined together and listed by name alphabetically.

6. Choose your save format

7. Choose your graphics style

For more in depth explanation on the graphics style settings, go to this page here

8. Build composite!

For extra customizable options, you can build your own templates with the layout designer here.


The data files must be saved using the UTF-8 character set.

If UTF-8 isn’t used then EZ Composites will not import non-English characters. For example, names such as Núñez and Gómez won’t import correctly. You choose the UTF-8 character set when exporting the data from Excel or whatever spreadsheet program you are using.

Don’t use the copy and paste function while running.

EZ Composites uses this function while running and can interfere with your batch since the computer uses the same clipboard amongst all programs.


Introduction to Yearbook mode

Yearbook Mode Template Files

Yearbook Mode CSV Data