Background Swapper Change Log
- Before saving, the characters /:*?”<>|# are removed from the filenames. These characters are not allowed for saving files in the Photoshop plugins API. If trying to save with these characters from the plugin API, Photoshop won’t save the file. Therefore, the only option is to remove those characters from the filename before saving.
- The plugin now convert both the background and cutout to sRGB to ensure there is no chance of color shifting caused by mis-matching color profiles between the cutouts and background.
- Fixed issue where the activation would randomly get dropped and cause the plugin to need to be reactivated with the license key again. Note: this doesn’t fix the cases where Photoshop sometimes delates the activation files when the plugin or Photoshop is updated. It only fixed the issues where the activation gets dropped for no apparent reason. We are still looking into how to prevent Photoshop from deleting the activations files on a Photoshop or plugin update and have a case in with Adobe on this.
- Fixed mouse cursor issue. Prior releases would sometimes show the mouse in the plugin to be whatever the current Photoshop tool was instead of a mouse pointer. For example, it would show a Photoshop brush if the brush tool was selected which made it difficult to click on the buttons, checkboxes, etc. Now it always shows the mouse pointer.
- The plugin activation system needed updated due to a PHP version update on the Pixnub server.
- Fix for activation where certain computer configuration couldn’t activate properly
- Updated activation system to work more efficiently with the new Photoshop plugins API
- First release running on the new Adobe Photoshop UXP Plugins API version 2.