Pixnub Home Forums Sports Photo Automation Image Alignment Option that only aligns the feet? Reply To: Image Alignment Option that only aligns the feet?

Ryan Zapatka

    We did watch the tutorials and have used those modes before I  believe. In these cases I believe you have to set where the head will be and it scales it as mentioned below in your description. We wouldnt want to set the head placement, we would want the head to land where it lands based on the kids photos….if we tell it where the head goes then it has to scale them bigger or smaller. ie:

    PLAYER MODE 2 – This combines face alignment and alignment to the bottom of the transparency. The face is placed so it is centered on the red cross hairs. the image is scaled so the bottom of the transparency is aligned to the bottom red line. This will be the feet in most cases.


    When I watched the 3/4 video you can see you have to set a top horizontal line and it seems like it will scale it to that top line as well and Damon actually mentions this in the video that an older kid will have a smaller head than a younger shorter kid in these modes since it scales the top of head to the top guide line .

    Am I correct? These alignment modes all have head placement or top guide lines that the alignments are scaling to no? Looking for just it to place the subject by feet and however tall the subject is or whereever the head falls is where we want it to fall so that a preschooler doesnt become 6 feet tall relative to the scenery image used.

    • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 6 days ago by Ryan Zapatka.