Pixnub Home Forums EZ Team Builder “EZ Team Build: The command “select” is not currently available Reply To: “EZ Team Build: The command “select” is not currently available


    @Tyson Sken

    Also, are you trying to build a team inside a template that already has another team built in it? If so then the old team must be above the EZTEAM layer. If it is below the EZ Team Layer, it will get confused because of the layers that have the same name. When Photoshop is told to select a layer by name from an action, script, or plugin then it will always select the bottommost layer with that name. So if you try to build a team and the PSD already has layers with the same name below the EZ Team Layer, it messes up everything.

    For a test , please create a new blank document with only an EZTEAM layer and nothing else. DO it build OK when doing that?