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Damon Bell

    I’m glad it worked.  I was going to make the last resort suggestion of the “nuclear” option. That would be to wipe everything clean, install OSX from scratch, install Photoshop from scratch, and not to bring over any preferences and start that from scratch too. It sounds like you did something similar but kept old Photoshop preferences.  So glad you got it working.

    If it ever comes down to a similar issue in the future then wiping the computer clean and reinstalling everything from scratch will typically always fix things.  I never worry about saving old Photoshop preferences or presets.  The prefs can get corrupted so whenever decide to reinstall everything I never attempt to use old preferences. However, in your case that seem to have worked this time which is good to hear.

    Personally, I’ve invoked the nuclear option a few times in the past and just wiped everything clean.  It usually only takes a couple of hours start to finish which ends up being the easiest option instead of trying to figure out exactly what is wrong with the computer.