Pixnub Home Page 2 Forums Sports Photo Automation Updated Photoshop 25.2 Beta now Photoshop 25 nonBeta won’t run Sports Automatio Reply To: Updated Photoshop 25.2 Beta now Photoshop 25 nonBeta won’t run Sports Automatio

Damon Bell

    I just tested both the 25.2.0 beta release and the 25.0.0 public release and they are working fine on Windows an Mac for my machines.

    Whatever is happening is isolated to your computer. My inbox would eb blowing up if this was a widespread issue.

    I need more details….

    For 25.2.0 beta, does it show a “Manage License” button? Or does the button say “Activate”?

    For 25.0.0 that “won’t run”,  please define “won’t run”.  Specifically, what happens when you try to run it?  Any error messages?

    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Damon Bell.
    • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Damon Bell.