Pixnub Home Forums EZ Team Builder layers are not in order (third row is ahead of row 1) Reply To: layers are not in order (third row is ahead of row 1)


    It is because you started with a group folder named EZTEAM instead of a layer named EZTEAM.  I need to program in a check for this and not let the build start if EZTEAM is a group folder.

    Because of how the Photoshop image paste command works, when a group is selected the image is pasted into a new layer on top of all the others layers in the group. When a Layer is selected, the images will paste above the selected layer, but below below any other layers that are above the EZTEAM layer already.

    So the end result is everything is backwards if EZTEAM is a group folder in stead of a layer.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Pixnub.